Add or Remove Users#


Students enrolled in a course will be added automatically as a User in a class close to the course start date and cannot be removed.


Instructors and PI’s are automatically assigned the Manager role within a project. Other users are either a Manager or a User, with the following permissions:




add users, remove users, request allocations, use allocations


use allocations

Add a User#

To a Project/Class#

  1. Once a project or class is created, under Manage Project, click on add users

  2. Type in usernames of the user(s) you would like to add separated by a space or on separate lines.

    search users by space search users by line
  3. Click on search button


    If a user has already been added to the project or class, then you will see a message like this

    user already added message
  4. Select which allocation you would like users to be added to within the project under Available Allocations.

  5. Select the user(s) that you want to add from the list

    select users

    and change their role to either Manager or User using the dropdown.

    user role selection
  6. Click on add selected users

  7. You can verify that a user has been added under Users on the Project/Class page.

To an Allocation#


When requesting an allocation you can give permissions to existing users. When adding a user to a project initially, you can add them to active allocations. The following instructions are for adding existing users to an active allocation.

  1. Navigate to the Allocation details page by clicking on the allocation under Information in the Allocation Panel panel.

  2. Scroll down to the Users in Allocation panel and click on Add Users.

  3. Select which users to add to the allocation. If it is a Storage allocation, you will also need to select their Permissions (Read and Write or Read Only).

  4. Click on Add Selected Users to Allocation.

  5. The user will still need to accept the Policies and Guidelines to use the allocation.

Remove a User#

From a Project/Class#

  1. Click on remove users button in the header next to users header.

  2. Select the user(s) that you want to remove from the list.

    select users
  3. Click on remove selected users.

  4. You can verify that a user has been removed under users header on the Project/Class page.

From an Allocation#

Change User#


  1. Next to the user’s role you would like to change, click on actions button under Actions.

  2. Change their role using the dropdown:

    change user role
  3. Click on update user

Allocation Permissions (for Storage allocations only)#

  1. Navigate to the Allocation details page by clicking on the allocation under Information in the Allocation Panel panel.

  2. Scroll down to the Users in Allocation panel and click on Change Permissions.

  3. From the Eligible Users, set the desired Permissions.


    Occassionally, it takes a while to provision users on the actual HPC systems. If you see a message like this

    No users in project are currently eligible for a permissions change

    either your users have not accepted the Policies and Guidelines yet, or they are still being provisioned with their original permissions. Check back in a few hours and users may be eligible for a permissions change.

  4. Click on Change Users Permission.

Notification Settings#

  1. Under Users on your project page, you will see a column to Enable Notifications.

  2. Check or uncheck the box to enable or disable notifications for all users, or do so individually for each user.


    You cannot disable notifications for someone with the Manager role. As the PI or Instructor, you are responsible for monitoring changes to allocations in your projects.