
Accounts on SMU HPC clusters can be created via the processes detailed below.

Accounts for a Class#

Please email the Help Desk with the following information:

  • Course number(s)

  • Coure title

  • If needed, details for class shared directory including who should have write permissions.

Accounts for Individuals with an SMU ID#

  • SMU faculty/staff can request an account by filling out the New Account Form.

  • If you are a student or postdoc please ask your supervisor, sponsor, or adviser to request an account via the New Account Form.

Accounts for Individuals without an SMU ID or Sponsored ID#

  1. The sponsor must request an SMU ID or Sponsored ID and have that account activated before sponsor can request cluster access for the individual. Please submit an Account Request via the Online Service Center.

  2. Once the individual’s SMU ID or Sponsored ID has been created and activated the sponsor can request cluster accounts for the individual via the New Account Form.

Reset Account Password#

SMU HPC clusters use SMU’s authentication system, which means that your username and password are based on your SMU credentials. Your username is the first part of your SMU email address, i.e. janeuser for, and your password is your SMU password. SMU’s password tool can be used to change or reset your password ( However, note that this changes your password for all SMU services such as email as well.

Terminate an Existing Account#

Please send a request to the SMU HPC Admins with a short explanation of reason for the termination.