Add Metadata#

Providing any of the following data is optional has no bearing on your ability to request allocations or make projects. This is simply to help us collect better data on HPC usage and to provide you with better metrics. We greatly appreciate efforts to fill this out, as it aids our ability to provide the best HPC services for your research and classes.

Add Grants#

To add grant information that is attached to a project:

  1. Go to your project page and click on Add Grant.

  2. If you have any grants with an SMU G-Number, select the check boxes next to every grant associated with that project and click on Save.

  3. If your grant does not appear (as is the case with internal SMU grants), then click on Enter Grants Manually.

  4. Provide any information that you can for the grant. Title, Role, Funding agency, Grant Start Date, Grant End Date are required fields. Verification source is not a required field, but could be helpful information if you are requesting larger than usual allocations.

  5. Click on Save.

  6. On the project page, you can verify that your grant has been added to the project under Grants.

Add Publications#

To add publication information that is attached to a project:

  1. Go to your project page and click on Add Publication.

  2. If your publication has a DOI or Bibliographic Code, try searching based on those, select the checkbox next to the correct publication(s) from your search results, and click on Add Selected Publications to Project.

  3. If your publication does not have a DOI or Bibliographic Code, you can add it manually by clicking on Enter publication manually.

  4. Provide a Title, Author(s), Year, and Journal for your publication and click on Add Publication.

  5. On the project page, you can verify that your publication has been added to the project under Publications.

Add Research Outputs#

If there are any research outputs that do not fall under the category of a publication (such as conference presentations or posters), you can add them by follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to your project page and click on Add Research Output.

  2. Provide a Title and Description for your project (including any relevant links), and click on Save.

  3. On the project page, you can verify that your research output has been added to the project under Research Outputs.

Add Software Used#

To add information about software used on the project:


Like the rest of the metadata, any software used that is added here is just for data collection purposes. You will still need to load software using module load [software_name] or another method on the HPC systems.

  1. Go to your project page and click on Add Software Used.

  2. For any software currently available on HPC systems: search the software name, select the checkbox next to the software version(s) you used, and click on Add Selected Software to Project. This list is updated infrequently, so newer software may need to be added manually.

  3. If you are using any other software or cannot find your software using the search feature, click on Enter software manually

  4. Provide the Software Name, Version, and Software Homepage, then click on Add Software.

  5. On the project page, you can verify that your software has been added to the project under Software.