Session 1#
OIT, CRC, and DSI Workshop Series
Access to ManeFrame II (M2) and the NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD (MP)
C++ Resources
C++ Types, Expressions, and Statements
C++ Operators and Conditionals
C++ Resources#
O’Reilly Learning Platform for Higher Education
Discovering Modern C++: An Intensive Course for Scientists, Engineers, and Programmers by Peter Gottschling
A Tour of C++, 2nd Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup
C++ Types, Expressions, and Statements#
2 Statements, Expressions, and Variables
4 * Open and closed slash-star can be used to make block comments.
5 * Two consecutive slashes are used to denote a single line comment.
6 * `#include` is used to reference other files that contain needed functionality
7 * `using` can be used to indicate a specific namespace or function to be used
8 * `main` is the entry point to the program, i.e. where the program starts and
9 it returns an integer. Usually the return integer can denote if the program
10 ended well, e.g. 0, or not well, e.g. > 0.
12 Useful References:
13 * Discovering Modern C++ by Peter Gottschling (amongst many other C++ books)
14 *
17// Include statements
18#include <iostream>
19#include <string>
21// Namespace declaration statement
22using namespace std;
24// Program entry-point, encapsulated by the curly brackets { and }
25int main() {
27 // Print string using `cout` which is short for `std::cout` as the `std`
28 // namespace was declared. Statements end with a semicolon.
29 cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
31 // C++ is a strongly typed language, i.e. variables have specific types
32 // and these types have a specific precision. Declaring a variable denotes
33 // the variable type, name, and initial value. It is recommended, but not
34 // required to specify an initial value. Note that white space is not part
35 // of the syntax. Below is a table of variable types with the usual the sizes
36 // and value ranges noted for 64-bit Unix using the LP64 data model. Expressions
37 // are used to denote the relationship between variables.
38 // Type Variable Name Initial Value Usual Size on
39 short int si = -1; // 16-bits, [-2^15, 2^15-1]
40 unsigned short int usi = 1; // 16-bits, [0, 2^16-1]
41 int i = -10; // 32-bits, [-2^31, 2^31-1]
42 unsigned int ui = 10; // 32-bits, [0, 2^32-1]
43 long int li = -1234567890; // 64-bits, [-2^63,-2^63-1]
44 unsigned long int uli = 1234567890; // 64-bits, [0,-2^64-1]
45 long long int lli = -1234567890; // 64-bits, [-2^63,-2^63-1]
46 unsigned long long int ulli = 1234567890; // 64-bits, [0,-2^64-1]
47 bool b = true; // 1-bit, true or false, [1, 0]
48 signed char sc = 'a'; // 8-bits, [-127, 127]
49 unsigned char uc = 'b'; // 8-bits, [0, 255]
50 char c = 'c'; // 8-bits, [-127, 127] (x86_64) or [0, 255] (ARM)
51 float f = 3.14159; // 32-bits, signed decimal number
52 double d = 3.14159; // 64-bits, signed decimal number
53 long double ld = 3.14159; // 80-bits (x86_64) or 128-bits (ARM)
54 auto a = d + i; // Automatic typing based on initialization (a is double)
55 const int ci = 42; // Immutable variable
56 string s = "Hello, World!"; // Strings are collections of characters
58 // Literals can be used to define types inline
59 int il = i + 2; // 2 is signed int
60 unsigned int uil = ui + 2u; // 2 is unsigned int
61 long int lil = li + 2l; // 2 is signed long int
62 unsigned long int ulil = uli + 2ul; // 2 is unsigned long int
63 float fl = f + 2.0f; // 2.0 is float
64 double dl = d + 2.0; // 2.0 is double
65 long double ldl = ld + 2.0l; // 2.0 is long double
67 // Return integer for `main`
68 return 0;
C++ Operators and Conditionals#
2 \brief Overview of C++ Operators and Conditionals
5 */
7// Include statement
8#include <iostream>
9#include <string>
10#include <bitset> // bitset
11#include <cmath> // fmod, remainder
13// Namespace declaration statement
14using namespace std;
16// Program entry-point, encapsulated by the curly brackets { and }
17int main() {
19 // Declare initialized integer variable
20 int n = 42;
21 int m = -2;
22 cout << "We begin with n initialized as " << n
23 << " and m initialized as " << m << "." << endl;
25 // Arithmetic Operators
27 // Postfix operators return the original value
28 cout << "Post-increment: n++, " << n++ << " is printed, but n is now " << n << "." << endl;
29 cout << "Post-decrement: n--, " << n-- << " is printed, but n is now " << n << "." << endl;
31 // Prefix operators return the modified value
32 cout << "Prefix-increment: ++n, " << ++n << " is printed and n is now " << n << "." << endl;
33 cout << "Prefix-decrement: --n, " << --n << " is printed and n is now " << n << "." << endl;
35 // Unary operators
36 cout << "Unary plus, positive " << +n << " is printed." << endl;
37 cout << "Unary minus, positive " << -n << " is printed." << endl;
39 // Binary operators
40 cout << n * m << endl; // Multiplication, -84 is printed
41 cout << n / m << endl; // Division, -21 is printed
42 cout << n % m << endl; // Modulo (integer only), 0 is printed
43 cout << fmod(n, m) << endl; // Modulo (floats, truncated), 0.0 is printed
44 cout << remainder(n, m) << endl; // Modulo (floats, rounded), 0.0 is printed
45 cout << n + m << endl; // Addition, 40 is printed
46 cout << n - m << endl; // Subtraction, 44 is printed
48 // Boolean operators
50 bool a = true; // Has value of 1
51 bool b = false; // has value of 0
53 // Unary operators
54 cout << !a << endl; // Not, 0 (false) is printed
56 // Binary operators
57 cout << (n > m) << endl; // Greater than, 1 (true) is printed
58 cout << (n >= m) << endl; // Greater than or equal to, 1 (true) is printed
59 cout << (n < m) << endl; // Less than, 0 (false) is printed
60 cout << (n <= m) << endl; // Less than or equal to, 0 (false) is printed
61 cout << (n == m) << endl; // Equal to, 0 (false) is printed
62 cout << (n != m) << endl; // Not equal to, 1 (true) is printed
63 cout << (a && b) << endl; // Logical AND, 0 (false) is printed
64 cout << (a || b) << endl; // Logical OR, 1 (true) is printed
66 // Bitwise operators
68 bitset<3> i{"100"}; // 3-bit binary representation of 4
69 bitset<3> j{"010"}; // 3-bit binary representation of 2
71 cout << ~i << endl; // One's complement (flips each bit), 011 is printed
72 cout << (i & j) << endl; // AND, 000
73 cout << (i ^ j) << endl; // Exclusive OR
74 cout << (i | j) << endl; // Inclusive OR
75 cout << (i << 1) << endl; // Left shift, 000 is printed
76 cout << (i >> 1) << endl; // Right shift, 010 is printed
78 // Assignment operators
80 int x = 3;
81 int y = 2;
83 x = y; cout << "Assignment, x is now " << x << endl;
84 x *= y; cout << "Multiplication assignment, x = x * y, x is now " << x << endl;
85 x /= y; cout << "Division assignment, x = x / y, x is now " << x << endl;
86 x %= y; cout << "Modulo assignment (integer only), x = x % y, x is now " << x << endl;
87 x += y; cout << "Addition assignment, x = x + y, x is now " << x << endl;
88 x -= y; cout << "Subtraction assignment, x = x - y, x is now " << x << endl;
89 x <<= 1; cout << "Bitwise shift left assignment, x = x << y, x in now " << x << endl;
90 x >>= 1; cout << "Bitwise shift right assignment, x = x << y, x in now " << x << endl;
92 return 0;
Problem 1 from Project Euler.