
Submitting Jobs Using Slurm#

Before beginning this session, first retrieve the corresponding set of files either by copying the relevant files at the command line:

cp -R /hpc/m3/examples/slurm .

The SLURM Job Scheduler#

In this tutorial we’ll focus on running serial jobs (both batch and interactive) on M3 (we’ll discuss parallel jobs in later tutorial sessions).

In general, a job scheduler is a program that manages unattended background program execution (a.k.a. batch processing). The basic features of any job scheduler include:

  • Interfaces which help to define workflows and/or job dependencies.

  • Automatic submission of executions.

  • Interfaces to monitor the executions.

  • Priorities and/or queues to control the execution order of unrelated jobs.

In the context of high-throughput and high-performance computing, the primary role of a job scheduler is to manage the job queue for all of the compute nodes of the cluster. It’s goal is typically to schedule queued jobs so that all of the compute nodes are utilized to their capacity, yet doing so in a fair manner that gives priority to users who have used less resources and/or contributed more to the acquisition of the system.

SLURM commands#

While there are a multitude of SLURM commands, here we’ll focus on those applicable to running batch and interactive jobs:

  • sinfo – displays information about SLURM nodes and partitions (queue types). A full list of options is available here. The usage command (with the most-helpful optional arguments in brackets) is

    $ sinfo [-a] [-l] [-n <nodes>] [-p <partition>] [-s] [-a] [-a] [-a]

    where these options are:

    • -a or --all – Display information about all partitions

    • -l or --long – Displays more detailed information

    • -n <nodes> or --nodes <nodes> – Displays information only about the specified node(s). Multiple nodes may be comma separated or expressed using a node range expression. For example mfc[1005-1007] would indicate three nodes, through

    • -p <partition> or --partition <partition> – Displays information only about the specified partition

    • -s or --summarize – List only a partition state summary with no node state details.


    $ sinfo --long -p highmem  # long output for all nodes allocated to the "highmem" partition
    $ sinfo -s                 # summarizes output on all nodes on all partitions
  • squeue – views information about jobs located in the SLURM scheduling queue. A full list of options is available here. The usage command (with the most-helpful optional arguments in brackets) is

    $ squeue [-a] [-j] [-l] [-p] [--start] [-u]

    where these options are:

    • -a or --all – Display information about jobs and job steps in all partions.

    • -j <job_id_list> or --jobs <job_id_list> – Requests a comma separated list of job ids to display. Defaults to all jobs.

    • -l or --long – Reports more of the available information for the selected jobs or job steps, subject to any constraints specified.

    • -p <part_list> or --partition <part_list> – Specifies the partitions of the jobs or steps to view. Accepts a comma separated list of partition names.

    • --start – Reports the expected start time of pending jobs, in order of increasing start time.

    • -u <user_list> or --user <user_list> – Requests jobs or job steps from a comma separated list of users. The list can consist of user names or user id numbers.


    $ squeue                            # all jobs
    $ squeue -u rkalescky --start       # anticipated start time of jobs
    $ squeue --jobs 12345,12346,12348   # information on only jobs 12345, 12346 and 12348
  • sbatch – submits a batch script to SLURM. A full list of options is available here. The usage command is

    $ sbatch [options] `<script>` [args]

    where <script> is a batch submission script, and [args] are any optional arguments that should be supplied to <script>. The sbatch command accepts a multitude of options; these options may be supplied either at the command-line or inside the batch submission script.

    It is recommended that all options be specified inside the batch submission file, to ensure reproducibility of results (i.e. so that the same options are specified on each run, and no options are accidentally left out). Any command-line sbatch option may equivalently be specified within this script (at the top, before any executable commands), preceded by the text #SBATCH.

    These options are discussed in the following section, batch_file.


    $ sbatch ./    # submits the batch submission file "" to SLURM
  • srun – runs a parallel or interactive job on the worker nodes. A full list of options is available here. The usage command (with the most-helpful optional arguments in brackets) is

    $ srun [-D <path>] [-e <errf>] [--epilog=<executable>] [-o <outf>] [-p <part>] [--pty] [--x11] <executable>

    where these options are:

    • -D <path> or --chdir=<path> – have the remote processes change directories <path> before beginning execution. The default is to change to the current working directory of the srun process.

    • -e <errf> or --error=<errf> – redirects stderr to the file <errf>

    • --epilog=<executable> – run executable just after the job completes. The command line arguments for executable will be the command and arguments of the job itself. If executable is “none”, then no epilog will be run.

    • -I or --immediate[=secs] – exit if requested resources not available in “secs” seconds (useful for interactive jobs).

    • -o <outf> or --output=<outf> – redirects stdout to the file <outf>

    • -p <part> or --partition=<part> – requests that the job be run on the requested partition.

    • -N <num> or --nodes=<num> – requests that the job be run using <num> nodes. Primarily useful for running parallel jobs

    • -n <num> or --ntasks=<num> – requests that the job be run using <num> tasks. The default is one task per node. Primarily useful for running parallel jobs

    • --pty – requests that the task be run in a pseudo-terminal

    • -t <min> or --time=<min> – sets a limit on the total run time of the job. The default/maximum time limit is defined on a per-partition basis.

    • --x11=[batch|first|last|all] – exports the X11 display from the firstall allocated node(s), so that graphics displayed by this process can be forwarded to your screen.

    • <executable> – the actual program to run.


    $ srun -p dev /bin/program # runs executable /bin/program on "dev" partition
    $ srun --x11=first --pty emacs  # runs "emacs" and forwards graphics
    $ srun --x11=first --pty $SHELL # runs a the user's current shell and forwards graphics
  • salloc – obtains a SLURM job allocation (a set of nodes), executes a command, and then releases the allocation when the command is finished. A full list of options is available here. The usage command is

    $ salloc [options] <command> [command args]

    where <command> [command args] specifies the command (and any arguments) to run. Available options are almost identical to srun, including:

    • -D <path> or --chdir=<path> – change directory to <path> before beginning execution.

    • -I or --immediate[=secs] – exit if requested resources not available in “secs” seconds (useful for interactive jobs).

    • -p <part> or --partition=<part> – requests that the job be run on the requested partition.

    • -t <min> or --time=<min> – sets a limit on the total run time of the job. The default/maximum time limit is defined on a per-partition basis.

    • --x11=[batch|first|last|all] – exports the X11 display from the firstall allocated node(s), so that graphics displayed by this process can be forwarded to your screen.

  • scancel – kills jobs or job steps that are under the control of SLURM (and listed by squeue. A full list of options is available here. The usage command (with the most-helpful optional arguments in brackets) is

    $ scancel [-i] [-n <job_name>] [-p <part>] [-t <state>] [-u <uname>] [jobid]

    where these options are:

    • -i or --interactive – require response from user for each job (used when cancelling multiple jobs at once)

    • -n <job_name> or --name=<job_name> – cancel only on jobs with the specified name.

    • -p <part> or --partition=<part> – cancel only on jobs in the specified partition.

    • -t <state> or --state=<state> – cancel only on jobs in the specified state. Valid job states are PENDING, RUNNING and SUSPENDED

    • -u <uname> or --user=<uname> – cancel only on jobs of the specified user (note: normal users can only cancel their own jobs).

    • jobid is the numeric job identifier (as shown by squeue) of the job to cancel.


    $ scancel 1234  # cancel job number 1234
    $ scancel -u rkalescky  # cancel all jobs owned by user "rkalescky"
    $ scancel -t PENDING -u joe  # cancel all pending jobs owned by user "joe"

Example: Running Interactive Jobs#

In this example, we’ll interactively run the Python script, that performs a simple algorithm for approximating π using a Monte Carlo method.

This script accepts a single integer-valued command-line argument, corresponding to the number of random values to use in the approximation, with the typical tradeoff that the harder you work, the better your answer.

While you can run this at the command line:

$ python ./ 50

as we increase the number of random values to obtain a more accurate approximation it can take longer to run, so as “good citizens” we should instead run it on dedicated compute nodes instead of the shared login nodes.

Before running this script on a compute node, we need to ensure that has “executable” permissions:

$ chmod +x ./

We’ll use srun to run this script interactively for interval values of {50,500,5000,50000}. For each run, we’ll direct the output to a separate file:

$ srun -o run_50.txt ./ 50
$ srun -o run_500.txt ./ 500
$ srun -o run_5000.txt ./ 5000
$ srun -o run_50000.txt ./ 50000

Upon completion you should have the files run_50.txt, run_500.txt, run_5000.txt and run_50000.txt in your directory. View the results to ensure that things ran properly:

$ cat run_*

in the above commands we do not need to directly specify to run on the “dev” SLURM partition, since that is the default partition.

Batch Job Submission File#

The standard way that a user submits batch jobs to run on SLURM is through creating a job submission file that describes (and executes) the job you want to run. This is the <script> file specified to the sbatch command.

A batch submission script is just that, a shell script. You are welcome to use your preferred shell scripting language; in this tutorial we’ll use Bash. As a result, the script typically starts with the line


The following lines (before any executable commands) contain the options to be supplied to the sbatch command. Each of these options must be prepended with the text #SBATCH, e.g.

#SBATCH -J my_program       # job name to display in squeue
#SBATCH -o output-%j.txt    # standard output file
#SBATCH -e error-%j.txt     # standard error file
#SBATCH -p dev              # requested partition
#SBATCH -t 120              # maximum runtime in minutes
#SBATCH --mem=10G           # memory in GB

Since each of these sbatch options begins with the character #, they are treated as comments by the Bash shell; however sbatch parses the file to find these and supply them as options for the job.

After all of the requested options have been specified, you can supply any number of executable lines, variable definitions, and even functions, as with any other Bash script.

Unlike general Bash scripts, there are a few SLURM replacement symbols (variables) that may be used within your script:

  • %A – the master job allocation number (only meaningful for job arrays (advanced usage))

  • %a – the job array ID (index) number (also only meaningful for job arrays)

  • %j – the job allocation number (the number listed by squeue)

  • %N – the node name. If running a job on multiple nodes, this will map to only the first node on the job (i.e. the node that actually runs the script).

  • %u – your username

The available options to sbatch are numerous. Here we list the most useful options for running serial batch jobs.

  • -D <dir> or --workdir=<dir> – sets the working directory where the batch script should be run, e.g.

    #SBATCH -D /scratch/users/ezekiel/test_run
  • -J <name> or --job-name=<name> – sets the job name as output by the squeue command, e.g.

    #SBATCH -J test_job
  • -o <fname> – sets the output file name for stdout and stderr (if stderr is left unspecified). The default standard output is directed to a file of the name slurm-%j.out, where %j corresponds to the job ID number. You can do something similar, e.g.

    #SBATCH -o output-%j.txt
  • -e <fname> – sets the output file name for stderr only. The default is to combine this with stdout. An example similar to -o above would be

    #SBATCH -e error-%j.txt
  • -i <fname> or --input=<fname> – sets the standard input stream for the running job. For example, if an executable program will prompt the user for text input, these inputs may be placed in a file inputs.txt and specified to the script via

    #SBATCH -i inputs.txt
  • -p <part> – tells SLURM on which partition it should submit the job. The options are “interactive”, “highmem” or “parallel”. For example, so submit a batch job to a high-memory node you would use

    #SBATCH -p highmem
  • -t <num> – tells SLURM the maximum runtime to be allowed for the job (in minutes). For example, to allow a job to run for up to 3 hours you would use

    #SBATCH -t 180
  • --exclusive – tells SLURM that the job can not share nodes with other running jobs.

    #SBATCH --exclusive
  • -s or --share – tells SLURM that the job can share nodes with other running jobs. This is the opposite of --exclusive, whichever option is seen last on the command line will be used. This option may result the allocation being granted sooner than if the --share option was not set and allow higher system utilization, but application performance will likely suffer due to competition for resources within a node.

    #SBATCH -s
  • --mail-user <email address> – tells SLURM your email address if you’d like to receive job-related email notifications, e.g.

    #SBATCH --mail-user
  • --mail-type=<flag> – tells SLURM which types of email notification messages you wish to receive. Options include:

    • BEGIN – send a message when the run starts

    • END – send a message when the run ends

    • FAIL – send a message if the run failed for some reason

    • REQUEUE – send a message if and when the job is requeued

    • ALL – send a message for all of the above

    For example,

    #SBATCH --mail-type=all

Running Batch Jobs#

Here we’ll look at six ways to run jobs on M3 using Slurm.

  1. Interactive session via srun

  2. Single interactive job via srun

  3. Single threaded batch job via sbatch’s wrapping function

  4. Single threaded batch job via batch script

  5. Single multi-threaded job via batch script

  6. Array of single threaded jobs via batch script

Interactive Session Via srun#

srun -p htc --pty $SHELL
module load conda
conda activate base
python 1000

This method involves interactively requesting a HTC compute node and then running the calculation manually.

Single Interactive Job Via srun#

srun -p htc python 1000

This method interactively requests that the calculation be directly run on the requested resource.

Single-Threaded Batch Job via sbatch’s Wrapping Function#

sbatch -p htc --wrap "sleep 30; time python 1000"

This method submits a batch job by wrapping the command line that you wish to run in an sbatch script that is then submited for you. This method is non-interactive.

Single Threaded Batch Job via Batch Script#

#SBATCH -J python
#SBATCH -o python_%j.out
#SBATCH -p htc
#SBATCH -t 15
#SBATCH --mem=10G

module purge
module load conda
conda activate base

time python 1000

This batch script is manually creatd and then submited via sbatch 04_sbatch_htc.sbatch.

Single Multi-Threaded Job via Batch Script#

#SBATCH -o pi_%j.out
#SBATCH -p dev
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH -t 15
#SBATCH --mem=10G

module load conda
conda activate base

time python 10000000 ${SLURM_NTASKS}

This batch script runs a parallel version of the Monte Carlo π approximation script on two cores.

Array of Single Threaded Jobs via Batch Script#

#SBATCH -J pi_array
#SBATCH -o pi_array_%a-%A.out
#SBATCH --array=1-4%2
#SBATCH -p dev
#SBATCH -t 15
#SBATCH --mem=10G

module purge
module load conda
conda activate base

time python $((10**${SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}))

This batch script submits a job that will perform an array of jobs in parallel as allowed by the queue system.