Reinforcement Learning Example - Tic Tac Toe#
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
n_states = 9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2
state_values = np.zeros(n_states)
p2_state_values = np.zeros(n_states)
# outer loop is the number of sets of inner loops to run
# inner loop is just to print out stats for the given number of
# games at a time
outer_loops = 100 # random training
outer_model_loops = 100 # training vs model
inner_loop = 1000
test_games = 100 # games to test after training inner loop
learning_rate = 0.15
win_score = 1
lose_score = -1
draw_score = 0.9
learn_while_testing = True
debug = False
# helper function to return the state id given a sequence of moves
def state_id(moves):
coef = 1
count = 0
result = 0
all_moves = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
for id in moves:
idx = all_moves.index(id)
result += coef * idx
coef *= (9-count)
count += 1
return result
def get_valid_moves(state):
all_moves = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
return list(set(all_moves) - set(state))
# assumes board is labeled like
# 0 | 1 | 2
# --------------
# 3 | 4 | 5
# --------------
# 6 | 7 | 8
# Player 1 moves are in the even indexes (0,2,4,6,8)
# Player 2 moves are in the odd indexes (1,3,5,7)
# returns:
# 0 -- no winner
# 1 -- player 1 wins
# 2 -- player 2 wins
# 3 -- draw
def check_for_winner(state):
result = 0
win1 = set([0, 1, 2])
win2 = set([3, 4, 5])
win3 = set([6, 7, 8])
win4 = set([0, 3, 6])
win5 = set([1, 4, 7])
win6 = set([2, 5, 8])
win7 = set([0, 4, 8])
win8 = set([2, 4, 6])
p1_moves = set(state[::2])
p2_moves = set(state) - p1_moves
# this could be simpliefied as a loop ...
if (win1.issubset(p1_moves) or win2.issubset(p1_moves) or win3.issubset(p1_moves) or win4.issubset(p1_moves) or win5.issubset(p1_moves) or win6.issubset(p1_moves) or win7.issubset(p1_moves) or win8.issubset(p1_moves)):
result = 1
elif (win1.issubset(p2_moves) or
win2.issubset(p2_moves) or
win3.issubset(p2_moves) or
win4.issubset(p2_moves) or
win5.issubset(p2_moves) or
win6.issubset(p2_moves) or
win7.issubset(p2_moves) or
result = 2
elif len(state) == 9:
result = 3
return result
def update_values(state, learning_rate, debug=False):
game = copy.deepcopy(state)
winner = check_for_winner(game)
if (winner == 1):
p1_val = win_score
p2_val = lose_score
elif (winner == 2):
p1_val = lose_score
p2_val = win_score
p1_val = draw_score
p2_val = draw_score
id = state_id(game)
if debug:
print("game: ", game)
print("winner: ", winner)
print("p1 val:", p1_val)
print("p2_val: ", p2_val)
print("id: ", id)
print("before state_values: ", state_values[id])
print("before p2 state value: ", p2_state_values[id])
# final state gets value assigned. Either win or draw
state_values[id] = p1_val
p2_state_values[id] = p2_val
prev_val = p1_val
p2_prev_val = p2_val
# rest of values are defined as
# v(s_n) = v(s_n) + learning_rate * (v(s_n+1) - v(s_n))
while len(game) > 1:
id = state_id(game)
cur_val = state_values[id]
p2_cur_val = p2_state_values[id]
state_values[id] += learning_rate*(prev_val - cur_val)
p2_state_values[id] += learning_rate*(p2_prev_val - p2_cur_val)
if debug:
print("game: ", game)
print("id: ", id)
print("prev val:", prev_val)
print("p2 prev val: ", p2_prev_val)
print("cur val:", cur_val)
print("p2 cur val: ", p2_cur_val)
print("after state_values: ", state_values[id])
print("after p2 state value: ", p2_state_values[id])
prev_val = state_values[id]
p2_prev_val = p2_state_values[id]
def random_move(state, force_win=False):
# play winning move if there is one otherwise play randomly
valid_moves = get_valid_moves(state)
move_id = -1
if force_win:
for i in range(0, len(valid_moves)):
test_move = copy.deepcopy(state)
if (check_for_winner(test_move) != 0):
move_id = i
if move_id == -1:
move_id = random.randint(0, len(valid_moves) - 1)
def get_scores(state):
valid_moves = get_valid_moves(state)
# compute values of each move
scores = []
for move in valid_moves:
test_state = copy.deepcopy(state)
id = state_id(test_state)
if (len(state) % 2 == 0):
score = state_values[id]
score = p2_state_values[id]
return scores
def model_move(state):
scores = get_scores(state)
valid_moves = get_valid_moves(state)
move_id = np.argmax(scores)
def mcts_move(state, iters=25):
# just allocate max space, it would certainly be smarter to
# set up a real tree ...
mcts_scores = np.zeros(n_states)
mcts_visits = np.zeros(n_states)
mcts_wins = np.zeros(n_states)
c = np.sqrt(2.0)
# play requested iterations
for i in range(0,iters):
# play out unvisited moves
test_game = copy.deepcopy(state)
node_id = -1
p_id = state_id(test_game)
valid_moves = get_valid_moves(test_game)
while check_for_winner(test_game) == 0:
# check for unvisited moves at this level
unvisited_move = False
for move in valid_moves:
test_move = copy.deepcopy(test_game)
id = state_id(test_move)
if mcts_visits[id] == 0:
test_game = copy.deepcopy(test_move)
# randomly play out game
while (check_for_winner(test_game) == 0):
unvisited_move = True
node_id = id
# compute scores for each possible move
if not unvisited_move:
parent_n = np.log(mcts_visits[p_id])
scores = []
for move in valid_moves:
test_move = copy.deepcopy(test_game)
id = state_id(test_move)
score = mcts_wins[id] / mcts_visits[id] + c*np.sqrt(parent_n / mcts_visits[id])
# select move with highest score
id = np.argmax(scores)
p_id = state_id(test_game)
valid_moves = get_valid_moves(test_game)
winner = check_for_winner(test_game)
win = 0
score = 0
if (winner == 3):
score = draw_score
elif (len(state) % 2 + 1 == winner):
score = win_score
win = 1
score = lose_score
# update vals
id = state_id(state)
mcts_scores[id] += score
mcts_visits[id] += 1
mcts_wins[id] += win
test_move = copy.deepcopy(state)
done = False
for j in range(len(state), len(test_game)):
if done:
id = state_id(test_move)
if mcts_visits[id] == 0:
done = True
mcts_scores[id] += score
mcts_visits[id] += 1
mcts_wins[id] += win
# update state with highest score
valid_moves = get_valid_moves(state)
scores = []
# print("state: ", state)
for move in valid_moves:
test_game = copy.deepcopy(state)
id = state_id(test_game)
# print("move: ", move)
# print("\tmcts_score: ", mcts_scores[id])
# print("\tmcts_visits: ", mcts_visits[id])
# print("\tmcts_wins: ", mcts_wins[id])
# print("\tavg mcts_score: ", mcts_scores[id]/mcts_visits[id])
id = np.argmax(scores)
def play_games(n_games, learning_rate=0.15, update_model=False, p1_mode='random', p2_mode='random'):
p1_wins = 0
p2_wins = 0
draws = 0
for i in range(0,n_games):
state = []
while (check_for_winner(state) == 0):
# Player 1 move
if p1_mode=='random':
elif p1_mode=='model':
elif p1_mode=='mcts':
# stop if p1 won
if check_for_winner(state) != 0:
# player 2 move
if p2_mode=='random':
elif p2_mode=='model':
elif p2_mode=='mcts':
if update_model:
update_values(state, learning_rate)
winner = check_for_winner(state)
if (winner == 1):
p1_wins += 1
elif (winner == 2):
p2_wins += 1
draws += 1
return p1_wins, p2_wins, draws
def print_move_sequence(state):
print("state: ", state)
for i in range(0, len(state)):
print("Move ", i+1)
chars = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ']
next_play = 'X'
for play in state[0:i+1]:
chars[play] = next_play
if (next_play == 'X'):
next_play = 'O'
next_play = 'X'
# print the scores and the next state
scores = get_scores(state[0:i])
score_chars = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ']
next_play = ' X '
for play in state[0:i]:
score_chars[play] = next_play
if (next_play == ' X '):
next_play = ' O '
next_play = ' X '
moves = get_valid_moves(state[0:i])
for j in range(0, len(moves)):
id = moves[j]
score_chars[id] = "{:.2f}".format(scores[j])
print(" %s | %s | %s \t %s | %s | %s " % (
score_chars[0], score_chars[1], score_chars[2], chars[0], chars[1], chars[2]))
print("------------------- \t -----------")
print(" %s | %s | %s \t %s | %s | %s " % (
score_chars[3], score_chars[4], score_chars[5], chars[3], chars[4], chars[5]))
print("------------------- \t -----------")
print(" %s | %s | %s \t %s | %s | %s " % (
score_chars[6], score_chars[7], score_chars[8], chars[6], chars[7], chars[8]))
p1_wins_v_random = []
p2_wins_v_random = []
p1_losses_v_random = []
p2_losses_v_random = []
training_games = []
# Train and test
for outer in range(0, outer_loops):
# play random games and update model
play_games(inner_loop, learning_rate, update_model=True)
# test with player 2 using model, player 1 random
player_1_wins, player_2_wins, draws = play_games(test_games, learning_rate, update_model=learn_while_testing, p1_mode='random', p2_mode='model')
# test with player 1 using model, player 2 random
player_1_wins, player_2_wins, draws = play_games(test_games, learning_rate, update_model=learn_while_testing, p1_mode='model', p2_mode='random')
# Train and test using model
for outer in range(0, outer_model_loops):
# play random games and update model
play_games(inner_loop, learning_rate, update_model=True)
# train with player 2 using model, player 1 random
play_games(inner_loop, learning_rate, update_model=True, p1_mode='random', p2_mode='model')
# train with player 1 using model, player 2 random
play_games(inner_loop, learning_rate, update_model=True, p1_mode='model', p2_mode='random')
training_games.append(outer_loops*inner_loop + 2*(outer+1)*inner_loop)
# test with player 2 using model, player 1 mcts
player_1_wins, player_2_wins, draws = play_games(test_games, learning_rate, update_model=learn_while_testing, p1_mode='random', p2_mode='model')
# test with player 1 using model, player 2 mcts
player_1_wins, player_2_wins, draws = play_games(test_games, learning_rate, update_model=learn_while_testing, p1_mode='model', p2_mode='random')
# try to visualize a loss
for i in range(0, test_games):
# player 1 plays randomly
state = []
while (check_for_winner(state) == 0):
# Just play completely randomly
# stop if p1 won
if check_for_winner(state) != 0:
# player 2 uses model
winner = check_for_winner(state)
if winner == 1:
update_values(state, learning_rate, True)
if len(p1_wins_v_random) > 0:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
line1, = ax.plot(np.array(training_games) / 1000, np.array(p1_wins_v_random) /
test_games * 100, 'g-', label='Player 1 wins vs Random')
line2, = ax.plot(np.array(training_games) / 1000, np.array(p2_wins_v_random) /
test_games * 100, 'b-', label='Player 2 wins vs Random')
line3, = ax.plot(np.array(training_games) / 1000, np.array(p1_losses_v_random) /
test_games * 100, 'g--', label='Player 1 losses vs Random')
line4, = ax.plot(np.array(training_games) / 1000, np.array(p2_losses_v_random) /
test_games * 100, 'b--', label='Player 2 losses vs Random')
ax.set_xlabel('Random Training Games (1000s)')
ax.set_ylabel('Win Percentage')
ax.set_title('Model Performance Based on Training Size')