Unsupervised Learning Example - Folktale Clustering#
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import numpy as np
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
Load and Clean the Data#
This is the folktales dataset from the Miltilingual Folktales Database
example_text_file = '../data/folktales.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(example_text_file)
Here we have only decided to do a limited cleaning on the data to assist in our analysis.
# Send to Lowercase
data['Story'] = data['Story'].apply(lambda x: " ".join(x.lower() for x in x.split()))
# Remove Punctuation
data['Story'] = data['Story'].str.replace('[^\w\s]','')
Using TF-IDF with K-Means Clustering#
This takes the TF-IDF matrix and applies a k-means clustering algorithm. This groups the texts into clusters of similar terms from the TF-IDF matrix. This algorithm randomly seeds X “means”, the values are then clustered into the nearest mean. The centroid of the values in each cluster then becomes the new mean and the process repeats until a convergence is reached.
groups = 30
num_clusters = groups
num_seeds = groups
max_iterations = 300
pca_num_components = 2
tsne_num_components = 2
cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap("nipy_spectral", groups) # Builds a discrete color mapping using a built in matplotlib color map
c = {}
for i in range(cmap.N): # Converts our discrete map into Hex Values
rgba = cmap(i)
# calculate tf-idf of texts
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=1000, lowercase=True, analyzer='word',stop_words= 'english',ngram_range=(1,1))
tf_idf_matrix = tfidf.fit_transform(data['Story'])
# create k-means model with custom config
clustering_model = KMeans(
labels = clustering_model.fit_predict(tf_idf_matrix)
X = tf_idf_matrix.todense()
reduced_data = PCA(n_components=pca_num_components).fit_transform(X)
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
legendlist=[mpatches.Patch(color=labels_color_map[key],label=str(key))for key in labels_color_map.keys()]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for index, instance in enumerate(reduced_data):
#print(instance, index, labels[index])
pca_comp_1, pca_comp_2 = reduced_data[index]
color = labels_color_map[labels[index]]
ax.scatter(pca_comp_1, pca_comp_2, c=color)
if groups<=10:
title_groups = np.transpose([labels,data['Title'],data['Author'],data['Index']])
These are the titles of the texts in each cluster. Keep in mind that each time you run the algorithm, the randomness in generating the initial means will result in different clusters.
for i in range(len(title_groups)):
data.loc[i,'Group'] = title_groups[i][0]
This is how the groups break down by number of texts in each.
g_counts = data['Group'].value_counts()
ss = min(g_counts)
Here we can look at a sample of the titles in a particular group and the TF-IDF data for that group.
group_ids = list(data[data['Group']==grp]['Index'])
group_tfidf = data[data['Index'].isin(group_ids)]['Story'].apply(lambda x: pd.value_counts(x.split(" "))).sum(axis = 0).reset_index()
group_tfidf.columns = ['words','tf']
group_tfidf.sort_values(by='tf', ascending=False)[:10]
for i,word in enumerate(group_tfidf['words']):
group_tfidf.loc[i, 'idf'] = np.log(data.shape[0]/(len(data[data['Story'].str.contains(word)])))
group_tfidf['tfidf'] = group_tfidf['tf'] * group_tfidf['idf']
group_tfidf.sort_values(by='tfidf', ascending=False)[:10]
text_index = 1
pd.Series(' '.join(data[data['Index']==text_index]['Story']).split()).value_counts()[:10]
Here we can look at all the groups along with the authors and the index for each story.
for i in range(groups):
print("#### {} ###".format(i))
for el in title_groups:
if el[0]==i:
print("{} --- {} --- #{}".format(el[1],str(el[2]).strip(), el[3]))