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DS 1300
DS1300: A Practical Introduction to Data Science
Day 1
Introduction to High-Performance Computing
Using M3 for Class
Introduction to GitHub and Getting Setup
Day 2
Data Science Overview
Semester Project
Introduction to Python Programming
Day 3
The Pudding: Data Story Telling and Visualization
Working with Data
Introduction to Python Programming
Day 4
Data Ethics and Bias
Exploring and Cleaning a Data Set
Assignment: Working with Data
Day 5
Building Models with Data
Day 6
Dask Delayed
Dask Arrays
Dask DataFrames
Day 7
GeoPandas and Mapping in Python
Linear Regression and Temperature
Day 8
Data Visualization
Intermediate TextMining with Python
Data Visualization
Day 9
Optimization Introduction
Introduction to AI
Unsupervised Learning Example - Folktale Clustering
Supervised Deep Learning Example - Image Classification with the MNIST Dataset
Reinforcement Learning Example - Tic Tac Toe
Day 10
Using M3 for Class
Using M3 for Class
Using the HPC Portal