The Pudding: Data Story Telling and Visualization#

We’d like each of you to go to The Pudding and read one of their data journalism pieces. We’ll discuss each piece as a group afterwards. More articles to check out - The Pudding Cup

Pay special attention to:

  • Their Data

    • Where did their data come from?

    • Is the data public?

    • How big was the data? Did they use all of it?

  • Their Analysis

    • What is their thesis statement?

    • What was their hypothesis?

    • What choices did they make as the analysis developed?

    • Were there caveats or ramifications to their choices?

    • What were their conclusions?

  • Their Visualizations

    • What types of visualizations did they use?

    • Did the visualization help or hurt the arguments they made?

    • Was the visualization distracting or confusing?

    • Could you make a similar (if more simple) visualization?

Overall, did you think the article was interesting? Did having data to back up their thesis statement help make their argument?

Additional Reading#

Check out this 3 part series on data journalism and data projects in general.