Using NGC Container in SuperPOD
Teaching: 20 min
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How to use NGC Container in SuperPOD?
Learn how to master NGC Container useage in SuperPOD
3. Using NVIDIA NGC Container in SuperPOD
What is Container?
- Container demonstrates its efficiency in application deployment in HPC.
- Containers can encapsulate complex programs with their dependencies in isolated environments making applications more portable.
- A container is a portable unit of software that combines the application and all its dependencies into a single package that is agnostic to the underlying host OS.
- Thereby, it removes the need to build complex environments and simplifies the process of application development to deployment.
Docker Container
- Docker is the most popular container system at this time
- It allows applications to be deployed inside a container on Linux systems.
NVIDIA NGC Container
- NGC Stands for NVIDIA GPU Clouds
- NGC providing a complete catalog of GPU-accelerated containers that can be deployed and maintained for artificial intelligence applications.
- It enables users to run their projects on a reliable and efficient platform that respects confidentiality, reversibility and transparency.
- NVIDIA NGC containers and their comprehensive catalog are an amazing suite of prebuilt software stacks (using the Docker backend) that simplifies the use of complex deep learning and HPC libraries that must leverage some sort of GPU-accelerated computing infrastructure.
- Complete catalogs of NGC can be found here, where you can find tons of containers for Tensorflow, Pytorch, NEMO, Merlin, TAO, etc…
It is very convenient to download docker and NGC container to SuperPOD. Here I would like to introduce a very effective tool name enroot
- A simple, yet powerful tool to turn traditional container/OS images into unprivileged sandboxes.
- This approach is generally preferred in high-performance environments or virtualized environments where portability and reproducibility is important, but extra isolation is not warranted.
Importing docker container to SuperPOD from docker hub
- The following command import docker container ubuntu from
- It then create the squash file named ubuntu.sqsh at the same location
- Finally, it start the ubuntu container
$ enroot import docker://ubuntu
$ enroot create ubuntu.sqsh
$ enroot start ubuntu
#Type ls to see the content of container:
# ls
bin dev home lib32 libx32 mnt proc run srv tmp usr
boot etc lib lib64 media opt root sbin sys users var
- Type exit to quit container environment
Go to dockerhub, search for any container, for example lolcow then use enroot to contruct that container environment
enroot import docker://godlovedc/lolcow
enroot create godlovedc+lolcow.sqsh
enroot start godlovedc+lolcow
Download Tensorflow container
Now, let’s start downloading Tensorflow container from NGC. By browsing the NGC Catalog and search for Tensorflow, I got the link:
Copy the image path from website:
The following information was copied to the memory when selecting the 22.12-tf2 version:
- Im gonna download the version 22.12 tf2 to my work location using enroot, pay attention to the syntax difference when pasting:
$ cd $WORK/sqsh
$ enroot import docker://
The sqsh file nvidia+tensorflow+22.12-tf2-py3.sqsh is created.
- Next create the sqsh file:
$ enroot create nvidia+tensorflow+22.12-tf2-py3.sqsh
Working with NGC container in Interactive mode:
Once the container is import and created into your folder in SuperPOD, you can simply activate it from login node when requesting a compute node:
$ srun -N1 -G1 -c10 --mem=64G --time=12:00:00 --container-image $WORK/sqsh/nvidia+tensorflow+22.12-tf2-py3.sqsh --container-mounts=$WORK --pty $SHELL
Once loaded, you are placed into /workspace which is the container local storage. You can navigate to your $HOME or $WORK folder freely.
Note that in this example, I mounted the container to $WORK location only but you can always mount it to your own working directory
Check the GPU enable:
$ python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
[PhysicalDevice(name='/physical_device:GPU:0', device_type='GPU')]
Exit the container using exit command.
Working with NGC container in Batch mode
- Similar to M3, container can be loaded and executed in batch mode.
- Following is the sample content of a batch file named with a python file
#SBATCH -J Testing # job name to display in squeue
#SBATCH -o output-%j.txt # standard output file
#SBATCH -e error-%j.txt # standard error file
#SBATCH -p batch -c 12 --mem=20G --gres=gpu:1 # requested partition
#SBATCH -t 1440 # maximum runtime in minutes
#SBATCH -D /link-to-your-folder/
srun --container-image=/work/users/tuev/sqsh/nvidia+tensorflow+22.12-tf2-py3.sqsh --container-mounts=$WORK python
- Content of
import tensorflow as tf
Working with NGC container in Jupyter Lab
- It is a little bit different if you want to use NGC container in Jupyter Lab
- After requesting a node running with your container, you need to run the jupyter command with additional flag –allow-root:
root@bcm-dgxa100-0001:/workspace# jupyter lab --allow-root --no-browser --ip=
The following URL appear with its token
Or copy and paste this URL:
Note that you must replace hostname to the corresponding node that you are in, this case is bcm-dgxa100-0001.
Therefore, you should change the above address to and paste to Firefox:
Note: you should select the default Python 3 (ipykernel) instead of any other kernels for running the container.
Tip: Once forwarding to Jupter Lab, you are placed in container’s root. It’s recommended to create a symlink for your folder in order to navigate away:
$ ln -s $WORK work
Key Points
NGC Container