Job queueing and control in SuperPOD
Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How to run control Job in SuperPOD
To teach command to work with Job in SLURM
The SuperPOD cluster uses the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management system (SLURM) to manage jobs.
5b. Job Queue and Control
In SLURM there are several usefull commands for checking your job:
Lifecycle of a Job
The life of a job begins when you submit the job to the scheduler. If accepted, it will enter the Queued state.
Thereafter, the job may move to other states, as defined below:
- Queued - the job has been accepted by the scheduler and is eligible for execution; waiting for resources.
- Held - the job is not eligible for execution because it was held by user request, administrative action, or job dependency.
- Running - the job is currently executing on the compute node(s).
- Finished - the job finished executing or was canceled/deleted. The diagram below demonstrates these relationships in graphical form.
Useful Commands
Here are some basic SLURM commands for submitting, querying and deleting jobs in SuperPOD:
Command | Actions |
srun -N1 -G1 --pty $SHELL |
Submit an interactive job (reserves 1 Node, 1GPU, 1CPU, 6gb RAM, 1 hour walltime) |
sbatch |
submit the job script |
sstat <job id> |
Check the status of the job given jobID |
sstat <job id> --format=AveCPU,AvePages,AveRSS,AveVMSize,JobID |
Narrow some information on sstat |
squeue -u <username> |
Check the status of all jobs submitted by given username |
scontrol show job <job id> |
Check the detailed information for job with given job ID |
scancel <job id> |
Delete the queued or running job given job ID |
Check pending, working job:
$ squeue -u $USERNAME
12345 workshop bash tuev R 39:46 1 bcm-dgxa100-0002
The above Job has a JOBID=12345, which will be used below:
Check configuration of any requested job using JOBID:
$ scontrol show job 12345 grep ReqTRES
Delete any job
$ scancel 12345
Checking how your job is running in node
When you know your working node, for example bcm-dgxa100-0001, from login node, you can login to the compute node and check the processing:
- Command to check working cpus:
$ ssh bcm-dgxa100-0001
$ top -u $USERNAME
- Command to check working gpus:
$ ssh bcm-dgxa100-0001
$ nvidia-smi
OR to refresh the command every 0.2s
$ watch -n .2 nvidia-smi
Key Points
Job queue, control