Additional Resources (computational skills)#

SMU Workshops#

Upcoming Libraries and OIT workshops


SMU Libraries Request a Workshop

LinkedIn Learning with @SMU

O’Reilly Learning Platform for Higher Education

Code Academy

Programming Historian

Programming Historian lessons on data


Data Fundamentals

Software Carpentry

GIS and spatial data#

GIS@SMU: Initiative for Spatial Literacy

Spatial Data Science with R


“There is typically an inverse relation between the power of the tool and the graphical nature of the interface: to maximize performance get comfortable on the command line.” Text Mining Tools in the Humanities: An Analysis Framework

Determining Value for Digital Humanities Tools: Report on a Survey of Tool Developers

Tools and resources. A compilation of a range of platforms, plug-ins, readings, and other items that might be of use. Different projects are better suited to different sets of tools and related resources. Curated by the Carolina Digital Humanities Digital Innovation Lab.

Why is there no comprehensive DH site?#

Quinn Dombrowski, What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo?, Literary and Linguistic Computing, Volume 29, Issue 3, September 2014, Pages 326–339,